あなたの地域: アメリカ合衆国
Language: 日本語
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猫が行方不明です Grooty (4066 South Chapman Street, Le Grand, CA, USA)






We watched this precious baby be born from our mother cat. Her mother had a very rough pregnancy and not many of them survived and the mother almost lost her life as well. We were not able to keep the babies given we already had a male and female cat so I gave grooty to a friend who is like family and I remember the day I was driving little groot to her “new” . She held onto my chest the whole drive just looking at me with wonder and fear in her eyes not knowing where I was taking her and that’s when I gave her a promise on my way that I would always keep her safe no matter what and that I will always do everything in my power to keep her safe. My friends father let her out during a mental breakdown from just losing his wife to cancer. Please please I would love to have my grooty back and hold her again! She has a sister named Twixie that I gave to my parents who almost looks identical to her and every day my heart just hurts more and more wondering if she is okay and if i will ever see her precious face and gentle meow again..


住所:4066 South Chapman Street, Le Grand, CA, USA
座標:37.23233902916807 : -120.25660514831544

